White Lisbon Spring Onion

(1 customer review)


A reliable and flavorful bulbing spring onion, White Lisbon is a favorite for its mild taste and quick-developing, hardy white stems. Perfect for year-round growing, it’s great for filling gaps between slow-growing vegetables like Brussels sprouts. A heritage variety, White Lisbon has been enjoyed since before 1787.

Average Packet Contents: 900 Seeds

The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)

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How to Grow White Lisbon Spring Onions


Make early sowings into shallow drills in a cold frame or under cloches between February and April. Later in the season, between May and July, you can sow directly into the ground.


There is no need to thin, simply remove cloches by mid-April and as they grow, pull every other onion to allow those still in the ground to continue growing. Water freely during dry weather and feed the plants with high-nitrogen feed as soon as the leaves start to develop and again 5 weeks later. White Lisbon spring onions can be grown in between slower-growing vegetables as they are in the garden for a short time.


They can be harvested between May and October, when the stems are long and white with bright green tops. It’s ideal for successional sowing for all summer crops. For a continuous supply, sow every 2-3 weeks. White Lisbon spring onions grow best in cooler weather with optimum soil temperatures for germination between 4-24°C. Keep soil moist during germination in dry weather.