Tomato Alicante Seeds


Tomato Alicante is a popular, open-pollinated variety that produces heavy crops of uniform, smooth, medium-sized fruits with a superb sweet flavour. Suitable for growing both outdoors and in a greenhouse.

Average Packet Contents: 30 Seeds

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SKU: E5-0811DJP Categories: ,

Growing Tomato Alicante

Tomato Alicante Seeds are an improved Moneymaker type, known for its exceptional flavour and heavy crops of medium-sized fruits. This indeterminate variety requires good cage or staking to support its sturdy stems and can produce high yields of delicious fruits.

Sowing and Germination

To grow Tomato Alicante, sow seeds indoors under gentle heat 0.5cm (1/4 in) deep in trays or two seeds per pot using good quality seed compost. Lightly cover with a sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Germination takes 1-2 weeks.

Planting and Support

Plant out in a greenhouse from January to April or outdoors after risk of frost has passed. For the best yields, remove any sideshoots that develop between stem and leaf stems. Shake flowers to aid setting. Once the plant has reached its 7th truss of flowers, pinch out the top of the main stem to develop the fruits.

Care and Maintenance

Keep well-watered and feed weekly once flowers form. Consistent soil moisture is crucial to prevent blossom end rot and split fruit. Increase water in hot spells and reduce in cool weather to keep the soil constantly damp.

Growing Conditions

Position: Full sun Soil: Humus-rich, moisture retentive soil Rate of growth: Average Hardiness: Half-hardy annual Sow: January to April Harvest: July to October