Sharpes Express Seed Potatoes (First Early)


Sharpes Express Seed Potatoes are a first early variety producing long, oval-shaped tubers with white skin and pale lemon-coloured flesh. Known for their fine flavour and high dry matter content, they are ideal for boiling, roasting, and salads. Sharpes Express has good resistance to common scab and has been a favourite among gardeners since 1901.

Average Packet Weight: 2.5kg
Grown in the UK
Delivery expected in Late January

Planting Time: March-April | Harvest: June-August.

Any additional items ordered with your seed potatoes will not be delivered until all items are in stock.

Available on back-order

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Sharpes Express Seed Potatoes – A Classic First Early Variety with Exceptional Flavour

Introduced to the National Potato Variety List in 1901, Sharpes Express Seed Potatoes have remained a popular choice for over a century. This first early variety is known for its long, oval-shaped tubers with smooth white skin, shallow eyes, and pale lemon-coloured flesh. With a high dry matter content, Sharpes Express delivers a fine, floury texture that is perfect for a wide range of culinary uses.

Key Features:

  • First Early Variety: Ready to harvest in just 10-12 weeks, making Sharpes Express one of the earliest cropping varieties.
  • Long, Oval Tubers: Produces tubers with white skin, shallow eyes, and pale lemon-coloured flesh, offering an attractive appearance and excellent texture.
  • Fine Flavour and High Dry Matter: Known for its fine flavour and high dry matter content, making it perfect for boiling, roasting, and salads.
  • Good Disease Resistance: Offers good resistance to common scab, ensuring a healthy and productive crop.

Planting and Growing:

  • Planting Time: March to April, when the soil temperature is consistently above 8°C.
  • Sowing Depth: Plant 15cm deep with 30cm between tubers and 60cm between rows.
  • Growing Tips: Ensure the plants are regularly earthed up to protect tubers from light and frost while encouraging better yields. Water consistently to maintain healthy growth.


  • Harvest Time: June to August, around 10-12 weeks after planting. Once the foliage dies back, leave the tubers in the ground for 2-3 weeks to allow the skins to harden, perfect for storage.

Culinary Uses:

Sharpes Express Seed Potatoes are versatile in the kitchen, offering a fine texture and excellent flavour:

  • Boiling: These potatoes hold their shape well when boiled, making them perfect for side dishes or salads.
  • Roasting: Achieves a crisp outer skin and fluffy interior when roasted, making them ideal for family meals.
  • Salads: With a smooth texture and great flavour, Sharpes Express is ideal for cold potato salads.

Why Choose Sharpes Express Seed Potatoes?

Sharpes Express has been a staple in British gardens since 1901, delivering reliable crops of high-quality tubers. With excellent flavour, fine texture, and good disease resistance, this first early variety is a must-have for any home gardener looking to grow a dependable and delicious potato crop.

Weight 2500 g