Onion Sets Autumn Champion


Onion Sets Autumn Champion is a hardy, overwintering onion variety that produces an early harvest of mild onions with golden skins. Its good storage capabilities make it a popular choice among commercial growers.

Average Weight Per Pack: 250g
Pre-Sale Delivery Early September 

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SKU: Z3-358144 Category:

Onion Sets Autumn Champion


Onion Sets Autumn Champion is a reliable and productive variety, ideal for autumn planting. Its hardiness and ability to overwinter make it a popular choice among commercial growers.

Growing Information

Planting and Harvesting

  • Planting Time: Autumn
  • Harvest Time: Early summer
  • Soil Type: Well-draining soil
  • Sunlight: Full sun

Planting Instructions

  1. Plant the onion sets in the autumn, about 1-2 inches deep and 4-6 inches apart.
  2. Water regularly and keep the soil moist during the first few weeks after planting.
  3. Once established, reduce watering to about 1 inch per week.
  4. Harvest the onions in early summer, when the tops begin to yellow and fall over.