Marvel Seed Potatoes (Maincrop)


Marvel Seed Potatoes are a robust maincrop variety with high yields and PCN resistance. Perfect for baking, chips, and roasting, these potatoes are a farmer and gardener favourite. Harvest in 15-22 weeks after planting.

Average Packet Weight: 2.5kg
Grown in the UK
Delivery expected in Late January

Planting Time: April-May | Harvest: September – October

Any additional items ordered with your seed potatoes will not be delivered until all items are in stock.

Available on back-order

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Marvel Seed Potatoes – Robust and Adaptable Maincrop with High Yields

Marvel Seed Potatoes are an early maincrop variety known for their robustness and ability to thrive in varying conditions, making them an excellent choice for both farmers and home gardeners. With their smooth cream-coloured skin and shallow eyes, Marvel potatoes are easy to peel and are perfect for baking, chips, wedges, and roasting. This variety is well-regarded for its high yields, even in unpredictable UK summers, and its resistance to Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) ensures a healthy and abundant harvest.

Key Features:

  • Maincrop Variety: Plant from April to May for harvest between September and October, approximately 15-22 weeks after planting.
  • Versatile Cooking Qualities: Perfect for baking, roasting, chips, and wedges, Marvel’s creamy flesh and bold size make it an excellent all-rounder.
  • High Yields: Produces large crops, offering a bountiful harvest for home gardeners and farmers alike.
  • PCN Resistance: Built-in resistance to Potato Cyst Nematode ensures a healthier crop and more consistent yield.
  • Adaptable to Climate: Marvel performs well in both hot climates and the unpredictable UK weather, making it a versatile choice for UK growers.

Planting and Growing:

Marvel Seed Potatoes thrive in well-drained soil enriched with organic material. Plant them 15 cm deep, spaced 30 cm apart with 70 cm between rows. Regular earthing-up is essential as the plants grow to protect the developing tubers from light exposure and improve yield. Consistent watering during the growing season, particularly at the flowering stage, helps ensure healthy tuber formation.

Harvesting and Use:

Harvest Marvel Seed Potatoes in September to October when the foliage dies back. Leave the tubers in the ground for 2-3 weeks to allow the skins to harden, improving their storability. These potatoes are incredibly versatile in the kitchen:

  • Chipping: Their firm structure makes them ideal for crispy, golden chips.
  • Baking: Marvel’s smooth texture makes for delicious baked potatoes.
  • Roasting: Achieve perfectly roasted potatoes with a crispy exterior and soft interior.
  • Mashing: Produces a creamy mash, perfect for pairing with meats and vegetables.

Why Choose Marvel Seed Potatoes?

Marvel Seed Potatoes are an excellent choice for gardeners looking for high yields, adaptability, and disease resistance. Their versatility in the kitchen, combined with their resilience in the garden, make them a popular choice for both experienced growers and newcomers.

Weight 2500 g